Our own TEMPEST Measurement and Analysis Laboratory allows us to ensure the integrity of the products offered, according to the security requirements.
Since 2018, we check TEMPEST products in our own Measurement and Analysis Laboratory, where we test and verify the integrity of equipment in national, EU and NATO standards, according to SDIP27.
TEMPEST is a complex field through which we comply with the requirements of our customers, but such solutions are not easy to achieve. Testing electronic equipment in accordance with the required level of security minimizes the risk of leakage of classified information.
The evaluation and testing of the parameters in the own laboratory is done both during the technological process of making changes in order to eliminate secondary emissions and after the completion of the product, being necessary to measure them to verify that their level falls within the limits established by regulations.
This is a mandatory procedure that every TEMPEST equipment must undergo. Having our own TEMPEST analysis and verification laboratory, we ensure a double approval in terms of functionality in accordance with the requirements, of the products offered.